Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Response to Mike's Concern about Anarchy

Anarchy may seem be one risk of trying to be a community that gives attention to what God is doing and then discerning its way to participate. But you demonstrate how difficult it is for us to get away from the control question -- it all depends on who we see as being in control.

If we are a community submitted to God (even the non-Christians within the community realize that God has something to do with this), then it becomes a matter of always directing people to have ears to hear God and eyes to see God. Our being together as a community is meant to bring about maturation in the community - not just to do tasks, but to demonstrate unity as we grow into the fullness of Christ Jesus.

The other day someone mentioned that in my approach to ministry I blend comfort with challenge. Maybe it has something to do with that. I have come to realize I do not have to make the ministry happen -- God is managing that quite well. What we are called to in the church as pastors is to keep reminding people about God, God's present activity in the world, how God is calling us, how God is shaping us, how the Spirit is leading us, how we are being formed to continue in the ministry of Christ, etc.

It's amazing as people finally have an "aha" moment, a different kind of conversion than merely our deciding for Jesus, but that my life is hidden in Christ, and my purpose is to live for God in this world -- that marvellous things begin to happen.

Though it may take some time, patient walking alongside with others, even the problem folks, but pastors are called to be among a community of people reminding them to stay focused on God, to hear God and to see what God is up to.
To me that is the essence of fostering missional ministry.


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